I bought a Patemm Pad after seeing an ad for one on another blog long ago. I bought it thinking it'd be a good "auxiliary changing area" downstairs for when our son was a newborn. He's now going on 2 and I have to say I still find uses for it all the time!
- Traveling out of town - made a great makeshift changing station.
- Library Lapsit - was easier to sanitize than a blanket
- Airplane bathrooms - floor/mile-high club/toilet = ewe
- At the park - impromptu picnics are good.
- Trunk of my car - sometimes you just can't find a bathroom changing station in time.
- At the pool - again, wet bathroom floor = ewe

Grace, the inventor/founder of Patemm is a San Francisco resident, and very friendly, too :0)
I'm not a mom and I love this! Plus A-man looks so darn cute!