

At the park yesterday Alexi tossed his brand new Sigg water bottle out of his diaper bag. This prompted me to wonder why I've never labeled any of my kids things before. I think I'm going to go with Oliver's Labels. They have a bunch of cute designs and they offer a "Found-it" program. Interesting, no?


Woops and Joy...

Okay, comments were down for awhile with the new blog design, but now back up again.

Alexi gave me a break today and was pretty much an angel baby (except for the last half of the movie we took him to, but that was kindof a given). Makes days like yesterday seem like a distant memory :0)


Terrible 2s...and then some

Seriously, where did my sweet, happy-go-lucky baby go? I want him back! From one moment to the next I never know what's going to set him off...a toy? a book? popcorn? I feel like I'm stuck with a manic-depressive ex-boyfriend (on speed) all the time. Help!


Baby Brain

If you're expecting or have a newborn, and you have an iPhone or iPod Touch this one's for you...

All I can say is Woah! How is wish, wish, wish Baby Brain had been in existence when my kids were babies because I know my husband and I would have flipped over it! I'm not really much of a number analyst in my family so maybe I'd have slacked off on some of the capabilities, but The Hubster thrives when working with raw data. I know he'd be the one constantly logging info and being tickled to death by the nice data charts and graphical representations.

This app does it all (nap length, diapers/day, breast feeding timer, bottle calculator) in one neat, affordably priced package! I love it gives the option of bottle and breast since I was an exclusive expresser. Also, the graphical interface is intuitive, fast and simple to add info, and really nice looking!

The creators of this app are a San Francisco husband and wife team who have two young children of their own so they know their stuff!

You can download Baby Brain off iTunes here.


The Tech

Summer is here! We took the kids to The Tech Museum for the afternoon on Wednesday, and it was so much fun! We also did the iMAX theater viewing of Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs...very cool!


First Birthday Gift Arrived...

Alexi is going to be so excited when he wakes up from his nap to find this amazing push cart from his Aunt Kiki!


Biking babies

So it's official...Math can now ride a two wheeler! Alexi is trying his best to keep up!


Birthday Gifting...

Want a unique and cool, but inexpensive birthday gift? Make a shirt! I bought a simple outfit from Target's Circo line ($8 for the set), and ironed on a vintage cut-out I picked up at a boutique in LA. The cut out is made from a few vintage fabrics that have been quilted together and cut into a bird shape. Iron it on, and then sew in a zig-zag to ensure it won't come off in the wash. Voila! Totally hip, one-of-a-kind baby gift that's straight from the heart :0)


Tree Frog Treks

Tree Frog Treks is a science facility that runs programs, camps, and classes for kids of all ages. I have a friend who lives in the Haight and we dropped our two boys off at the camp for a "rocket science" Kid's Play Night, and then the two of us were able to go out for dinner and dessert sans children. Awesome.

Math came home with wild stories about touching all sorts of cool reptiles, learned how the frog cycle works, and built a small rocket. Dinner, drinks, and a movie were also included.

You do need to register ahead, but if you're coming to SF and want to do some grownup time this might be the perfect way! Drop off is at 5:30, pick up is at 9.


Perfect picnic...

We are meeting a friend and her daughter for lunch this afternoon. Here are a few of the picnic portables we're bringing along :0)

Vignette Wine Country Soda, made from California varietal wine grapes, yum!

Mollie Stone's has the best selection of crackers, cookies, and cheeses from around the world :0)

Fresh picked Brentwood cherries

Cowgirl Creamery Mt. Tam brie


Paxton Gate Curiosities for Kids

If you've ever been to Paxton Gate you know it's like a David Sedaris Wonderland Emporium. Seriously, they have some really weird stuff in there! But fascinating...

Anyway, Paxton Gate has a kid's store! I was in the Mission with a friend over the weekend and we took a peek inside. This whimsical store was chock full of unique art, vintage and handmade treasures, and other beautiful gift ideas for kids of all ages. Unfortunately all I had was my iPhone with me, but here's a glimpse of some of the amazingly cool, quirky things I came across. My favorite was a shaddow puppet stage.

They also offer kid yoga classes in the back room Mondays 2-4. You need to enroll ahead of time with the instructor.